How to lose 5-10 kg in a week?

The desire to lose 10 kg in a week does not just arise. This means that an important event is coming up very soon, at which you would like to look your best. Before you start a diet, think about it: perhaps there are other ways to hide the figure flaws that are visible to you. After all, a diet solely for weight loss is always stressful for the body.

Are you ready to limit yourself to food for a whole week? Are you sure that your body will withstand such a shock? Is this really a case where the ends justify the means?

If you answered “yes” to these three questions, then consider two more things. Firstly, after such diets, weight is gained faster than with constant nutrition control. Secondly, in order to decide on such a diet, you must be sure that there are no health problems - otherwise they will only get worse. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Diets for losing weight by 5 kg in a week

Losing weight with the kefir diet

In addition to losing weight, this diet will improve the functioning of the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems, normalize the functioning of the subcutaneous fat glands, which will help with oily skin. Salt and sugar are strictly prohibited; the proposed nutrition plan must be strictly followed. The daily norm is one and a half liters of kefir. Plus the products listed below.

Day 1. Boiled potatoes – 5 pieces.
Day 2. Boiled chicken fillet – 100 grams.
Day 3. Boiled lean meat (any) – 100 grams.
Day 4. Boiled fish – 100 grams.
Day 5. Fruits (except bananas and grapes), vegetables.
Day 6. Only kefir.
Day 7. One mineral water.

Losing weight with the buckwheat diet

This is one of the many mono-diets, which is distinguished by the usefulness of the product used: buckwheat contains few carbohydrates, the absence of which causes the breakdown of fats, at the same time, this cereal contains proteins, microelements, and vitamins necessary for the human body.

Diet porridge is prepared according to a special recipe. 1 glass of cereal is poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and infused overnight.

During the day you can eat as much porridge as you like, but without salt, butter, sugar and other seasonings. In addition, you can consume low-fat kefir or yogurt - up to 1 liter per day; water, herbal tea (of course, without sugar) – unlimited; low-fat cottage cheese - instead of porridge for lunch, only 100 grams, and not every day; sour apple. You can go to bed four hours after dinner.

Diets for losing weight by 10 kg in a week

Lose weight with the watermelon diet

The effectiveness of this diet is based on the ability of watermelon to have a diuretic effect. As a result, harmful substances are actively removed from the body, and with them extra pounds. The set of products for this diet is the same for every day, but you need to swap them around so that the menu is varied.

Breakfast. Any porridge or vegetables, or low-fat hard cheese.
Dinner. Boiled meat or boiled fish, or steamed vegetables.
Dinner. Actually watermelon, at the rate of 1 kg of berries per 30 kg of weight.

Losing weight with the Old English Diet

This diet is perhaps the most gentle of all, because it contains simple but extremely necessary foods for the body, plus it is varied. Previously, this diet was used in boarding houses for noble maidens to get girls in shape after holidays with their families.

Since the British are well-known fans of tea, almost every meal includes a glass of tea, strong and without sugar, and a separate tea party is organized daily between lunch and dinner. The diet lasted five days, since the girls went home on weekends.

Day 1. For breakfast – oatmeal, tea. Lunch – chicken broth with salt, a slice of bread and tea. Dinner – chicken eggs, 2 pieces, sandwich (butter and cheese).
Day 2. Breakfast - the same. Lunch – chicken eggs, 2 pieces, sandwich