Why eating right can cause obesity: incredible facts

In the modern world, more and more people are following the principles of healthy eating, increasing the amount of protein in their diet and eliminating fat. However, as American nutritionists say, this type of diet can lead to obesity and heart disease.

One of the main mistakes when following a healthy diet is the complete exclusion of fats from the diet. Recent studies show that consuming low-fat foods is not justified from the point of view of human health. Cholesterol in human blood and cholesterol found in food are not related to each other. It is wrong to completely eliminate fat from your diet.

Reducing fat intake causes people to increase their carbohydrate intake, which puts them at risk for obesity and heart disease. Therefore, at this stage, American scientists advise sticking to a balanced diet and not excluding certain foods from your diet, simply controlling the amount of calories and not overeating.

In addition, as American nutritionists say, when a person removes a product from the diet, he replaces it with something else, and as a result, it turns out that some substances in the diet are more than necessary, and some are missing . Therefore, it is important to keep your diet balanced, without excluding essential foods.

You should also pay attention to the fact that intuitive eating, based on listening to your body and eating what it wants, has been gaining popularity recently. American doctors are confident that if you learn to correctly recognize the body’s signals, you can build the right nutrition for a specific organism, taking into account its metabolism, lifestyle and genetic characteristics.

In conclusion, you should eat a balanced diet, including normal-fat dairy products and fatty meats, not excluding fats, and controlling the number of calories. Intuitive eating can be an effective approach for individual diet selection, but you need to take into account the characteristics of your body and ensure that your diet is balanced.