Losing weight with a star: Britney Spears diet

Britney Spears' figure is constantly changing. The singer either gains weight, then loses weight, then gains weight again.

At the moment, Britney Spears is in the best shape: slim, fit and incredibly seductive. This is exactly the result of hard work on oneself that we can see in her new video Work B**ch. Read on to learn how she achieved this, about the basic rules of nutrition and the singer’s diet.

For a whole year, the singer actively practiced yoga and went to cardio training three times a week, which included dancing, special exercises for major muscle groups and running.

In addition to active sports, Britney Spears had to radically reconsider her diet. As you know, the singer is a lover of delicious food and has difficulty denying herself fatty foods and fast food. However, for more than a year now, Britney Spears has been on a low-carbohydrate protein diet, which involves giving up high-sugar foods, potatoes, some fruits and, of course, fast food. With this diet, you need to eat 5 times a day and in small portions. The basis of the diet is lean meat, fish, eggs, rice and vegetables.

Britney Spears' approximate menu for the day looks like this:

First breakfast

Scrambled eggs from two whites, toast with low-fat cottage cheese, a little jam


A spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese, half an apple or grapefruit


Boiled or baked chicken breast, vegetable salad. For dessert – some strawberries and cream

Afternoon snack

Small banana or bunch of grapes


Boiled beef with broccoli. For dessert - fruit jelly.