Health week. Take seven days to get in shape!

Nutritionists believe that a week is the ideal time to feel energetic and rejuvenated. Why exactly a week? Because diets designed for 2-3 days are absolutely pointless. The lost kilograms are gained back in the same number of subsequent days. Healing programs are usually designed for a month, and you want to feel the result quickly. A week is a sufficient “compromise” period during which one can “be patient.” And, by the way, you can see a good result, once convinced of which, you can introduce a new healthy life regime.

Diet is one of the components of success. You need to do gymnastics, self-massage, water and cosmetic procedures.

Wake up ten minutes earlier than expected. Without getting out of bed, turn on quiet music and, closing your eyes, analyze your plans for today. This will take a few minutes. Next, do some light “awakening” exercises:

  1. Clench your fingers into a fist ten times and relax them like a fan.
  2. Stretch, feel how every muscle of your waking body tenses.
  3. Make five circular movements with your feet clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Roll your head left and right on the pillow, then lift it towards your chest.
  5. Suck your stomach in and hold your breath for a few seconds.

Finish your usual morning water treatments with a facial massage. Wet a soft terry towel with hot water and apply to your face and neck. Then wet the towel with cold water, wring it out, and pat it vigorously over your face and neck. Apply moisturizer. In 15 minutes your face will be ready for makeup.

During the day, during your lunch break, be sure to go outside and walk quickly for about one and a half kilometers - not a single gram of weight from a hearty lunch will be deposited in your body.

Have dinner no later than seven o'clock. You can eat a meat or fish dish with any vegetable side dish. Wash down your meal with green tea.

After completing your household chores, devote 30 minutes to beauty. Today - a soothing herbal bath for feet and hands. Apply nourishing cream to steamed feet and hands and massage them.

Monday innovations that should be repeated daily:

  1. Five-minute gymnastics in bed.
  2. Contrast morning face wash.
  3. Fifteen minute afternoon walk.
  4. Dinner three hours before bedtime.
  5. Half-hour evening beauty treatments.

Today is a fasting day: until lunch - only fruit. Get up 20 minutes earlier. Repeat the exercises in bed and water procedures. Drink a glass of fortified juice or fruit drink. Open a window and do some intense exercise. The complex can be chosen arbitrarily, but exercises on your “weak spot” should prevail.

If you have a noticeable tummy, do more bends and turns; back hurts - work with your hands, stretch your neck; cellulite on legs - leg lifts and squats.

After exercising, eat any fruit salad. Don't forget to take an apple or any fruit to work - you may get hungry before lunch. You can have lunch as usual, but before your daily meal, drink a glass of herbal tea with mint. And - again a walk.

The content of the time allocated for cosmetic procedures will be face and neck care. Make a nourishing mask. For example, from rolled oats, honey, sour cream and a few drops of lemon. Then apply the evening cream and, using firm touches of your palms, massage it into your face and neck.

Morning - the already familiar awakening, juice, gymnastics. Today - dairy breakfast: milk porridge, cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.

It's time to adjust the lunch menu: give up sandwiches; replace white bread with rye or bran bread, at least until the end of the week. Lunch should consist of two courses: soup and salad or main course and salad.