Scientists have invented a vaccine against obesity

Scientists have invented an obesity vaccine that uses the immune system to fight excess weight. Experiments conducted on mice showed a loss of 10% of their body weight just four days after receiving one injection of this vaccine. At the same time, the animals are fed fatty foods, that is, the medicine can help people be slim without restricting themselves in food.

However, vaccine trials are still at an early stage, as a result of which it will not appear on the market earlier than in seven to ten years.

The principle of the vaccine is as follows: once it enters the body, it deceives the immune system, causing it to produce antibodies against the hormone somatostatin. Somatostatin, generated by the brain and digestive system, affects other hormones, leading to slow metabolism and weight gain. Antibodies stop its work, speed up metabolism and as a result the body loses weight.

However, according to the Journal Of Animal Science and Biotechnology, the vaccine did not affect the functioning of other vital hormones.

"This study demonstrates the possibility of treating obesity with vaccination. This study examines the possibility of treating obese people with injections. Although further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of these vaccines, treating human obesity with vaccination may provide doctors with the opportunity to combat the obesity epidemic without drugs and surgery,” said Dr. Braasch Biotech, lead researcher at the American company, Keith Heffer.
