Breakfast, to eat or not to eat

If you think that skipping breakfast or drinking only a cup of coffee will help you lose weight, then you have been severely deceived. This is approximately what happens to the body that has been deprived of breakfast: the liver, all night long, quietly supplies the body with sugar that was supplied the day before. It usually lasts for 10 hours, after which she becomes wary and waits for more; if there is no supplement, sugar begins to flow... again from precious muscles.

This process stops as soon as you smell food, or see it and are about to eat it soon (the brain persuades the liver to be patient a little).
But if you haven’t had breakfast, the liver works in emergency mode and when you finally eat something, your blood sugar level jumps sharply, a large amount of insulin is produced, and of what you ate, a significant part is “stored in reserve” so that this very emergency mode was never repeated. So have a healthy breakfast, especially if you haven’t eaten after 6 p.m.

Note: if you have to get up very early because of work, then a rich breakfast, on the contrary, will not bring any benefit; in this case, it is better to eat, for example, yogurt, or drink a glass of milk, and organize a “second breakfast” later.