Top 10 rules of proper nutrition

  1. The whiter the bread, the more harmful it is

From the point of view of the metabolic processes of our body, white flour is not much different from pure sugar. Therefore, it is preferable to eat black bread - studies confirm its benefits: those who eat foods made from whole grains live longer and get sick less often with age.

  1. Don't eat breakfast cereals that stain milk or water.

If the flakes change color when they get into a liquid, they contain a lot of harmful additives and sugar. Such processed breakfasts lose their beneficial properties.

  1. Don't eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize as edible.

The more a product is modified by modern technology, the more harmful it is. It is better to choose natural products.

  1. What grows in the garden is healthier than what is made in the factory

Vegetables and fruits are healthier than processed foods.

  1. Food satisfies hunger, not boredom

You should not eat out of boredom or to calm your nerves - this is a bad habit.

  1. Food should be colorful

Fill your plate with foods of 4-5 bright colors - this will provide the body with all the useful substances.

  1. Tired of reading product ingredients? Do not eat

The longer the list of ingredients, the more harmful additives there are in the product.

  1. Did you see “scary” words? Do not eat

Avoid unfamiliar ingredients like diglycerides - they are unnecessary for the body.

  1. Buy what you have lying around

Fresh produce is often hidden in the far corners of the store - look for it.

  1. Eat what the bacteria ate

Eat kefir, yogurt, cheese - foods that have undergone fermentation.