Carrot diet: how to lose weight by eating carrots

Autumn is rich in products with which you can get your figure in order without much effort. One of them is carrots. How to lose weight by eating carrots - read in our material.

How to learn to lose weight correctly and easily

The carrot diet is a weight loss method based on carrots. Carrots are a product very rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. A diet based on it is easily tolerated, gives good results and allows you not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body.


The three-day carrot diet is an emergency method of autumn weight loss for those who urgently need to lose 4 extra pounds. It is noteworthy that, while on a carrot diet, you do not have to spend a lot of time preparing food, since in fact the only dish you will eat is carrot salad. Preparing it is as simple as possible: grate 1 kilogram of carrots, add 2 apples to it, add a teaspoon of honey, a little lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil.

This salad must be divided into 5 equal portions. Eating should be done every 2-3 hours. Also, do not forget to drink water, you can drink green tea and coffee in the morning. In addition, you can afford a glass of kefir for breakfast, add 3 baked potatoes for lunch, and a little boiled chicken fillet for dinner. You can also drink a glass of fresh apple juice a day.

Agree, the menu is not as meager as on many other mono-diets. As mentioned above, the diet is easily tolerated and does not require any preliminary preparation (as, for example, virtually all protein diets).

By the way, if you need to lose more than 4 kilograms, you can increase the duration of the carrot diet by adhering to the specified diet. The only thing to diversify the menu is to add different fruits to the main salad: orange, kiwi, pomegranate, and so on.

Since the main products for this diet ripen in the fall, this is the best time for the carrot diet.

It is better to eat carrots raw. So, in its raw form it has a glycemic index of 30, and in boiled form - 85. A noticeable difference, isn’t it?


To maintain the results after finishing the carrot diet, you need to adhere to the principles of balanced nutrition. This does not mean that you need to forget about sugar, chocolate and kebab for the rest of your life. It’s just that nutrition should be built on basic rules: carbohydrates are consumed in the morning, in the evening their amount in the diet is reduced, and protein foods predominate. It is also very important not to deviate from the principle of fractional nutrition and eat often, but in small portions.

In addition, it is vital not to forget about the required amount of fluid. So, very often girls adhere to the water regime during the diet, and completely forget about it after it ends. This is not true. Remember, to maintain weight and forget about cellulite, your body needs 1.5 liters of water per day.