Alkaline diet: essence and rules

A diet called alkaline is appropriate when a person needs to lower the level of acid in the body - pH. The normal pH level is 7.35-7.45, neutral - 7.

We eat a lot of acidic foods, which leads to various chronic diseases, weakness, and constant mood swings. Therefore, it is necessary to balance your diet to achieve the desired result. Experts say that this diet helps avoid the risks of cancer, obesity, get rid of heart disease, solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pain in muscles and joints, and also delay the painful moments of old age.

What to give up?

If you want to normalize your pH, immediately give up acid-forming foods - foods rich in saturated fats, canned food, processed foods, many types of meat, white rice, soda, eggs, coffee, cashews, peanuts, sugar. Sometimes experts recommend eliminating all fruits from your diet except grapefruits, watermelons, lemons, limes and avocados.

What is?

Alkaline foods, which should be consumed as often as possible, will help lower the pH level. This includes essential fats, cereals, green beans, berries, mushrooms, herbs, vegetables and some fruits. An ideal salad for an alkaline diet is one made from lettuce, cucumber, spinach, seeds, avocado, tomatoes, onions, mint, chickpeas, broccoli, peppers and dressed with either lemon or lime juice or olive oil mixed with one of these juices. .

Who adheres and how?

Many Hollywood stars adhere to an alkaline diet, in particular Kirsten Dunst, Jennifer Aniston and Miranda Kerr.

Celebrities are sure to include watermelon, melon, avocado, asparagus, seaweed, raisins, carrots and garlic in their diet as often as possible. Bread is eaten 3-4 times a week, as is fish. The preferred meats are turkey and veal. And most importantly, eat lemons several times a day, which perfectly help normalize the acid-base balance, remove toxins and waste from your body, make your skin healthy and your stomach flat.

Source: I WANT