Malysheva's diet

Malysheva's diet: an effective way to lose weight and improve health

Elena Malysheva is a doctor, nutritionist and famous TV presenter who has developed her own weight loss diet, named after her. Malysheva’s diet is based on a minimum amount of consumption of foods containing vegetable and animal fats, as well as table salt. In addition, the weight loss technique involves the exclusion (or minimal consumption) of flour products, potatoes, sweet pastries, pure sugar, rice, carrots, beets and any alcoholic beverages.

Malysheva’s diet is effective, but it is designed for a long period (2-3 months). However, its advantage is the long-term effect of weight loss, the result lasts 1-2 years, it is harmless and has minimal stress on the body. In addition to optimizing weight, this technique heals the body and improves human well-being.

Malysheva's diet rules

  1. You shouldn't go hungry! In no case! You need to eat small portions 5 times a day (three main meals and two additional ones). Breakfast around 8 am, lunch 12-1 pm and dinner 6-7 pm. You can also make a second breakfast (10 a.m.) and an afternoon snack (4-5 p.m.), consisting of fruit.

  2. Calculate the daily amount of calories your body needs, taking into account your weight, age, gender, nature of work, and stick to it. It is best to use a service such as a daily body requirement calculator. This program most optimally calculates the calories a person needs for normal life. In the weight column, indicate the indicator that you want to achieve, and not what you currently have.

  3. Set your body up for positive food intake. To do this, while eating, say something like “I am feeding you. Eat to your health." In this rule, a psychological factor plays a role, which sets the body to work “correctly” - to use incoming food for energy, good health, etc., and not for the accumulation of fat reserves.

Sample diet menu for Malysheva

Breakfast (at 8 am). Oatmeal with water, low-fat yogurt or yogurt.

Second breakfast (10 o'clock). Two apples or tangerines.

Lunch (preferably at 12.00). Protein food (fish, meat, chicken) with vegetables or fresh vegetable salad. As an alternative, you can choose a side dish of bran, corn grits or couscous.

Afternoon snack (16-17 hours). Fruits or vegetables (eg carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes).

Dinner (18-19 hours). Also protein food with vegetables or salad. You can choose the option with low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.

It is important not to forget about the correct drinking regime: at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, preferably clean still water and low-fat kefir.

To achieve maximum results, it is important to combine proper nutrition with physical activity. It is recommended to exercise, do yoga, or simply spend more time outdoors.

But before you start following the Malysheva diet, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist, especially if you have any diseases or health problems.