Healthy and fashionable food products for beautiful skin

Being healthy, playing sports, running in the morning and eating the right food is not only healthy, but also fashionable. We read food labels and ingredients, choose organic foods, and buy vitamins and supplements—all in an effort to feel better, look younger, and, as a result, live longer. We have collected for you the most useful and fashionable herbal products that will help you not only improve your body health, but also improve the condition of your skin.

In addition to the fact that for beautiful skin you need to add more fish, seafood, cereals, citrus fruits, orange and green vegetables to your diet, there are also so-called “superfoods”.

Superfoods are plant products, the concentration of nutrients in which is simply off scale. Superfoods are various seeds, berries, algae, roots that grow, as a rule, in distant places forgotten by civilization, such as Tibet and the Amazon. These products have been consumed by people for a very long time, and superfoods have long been known in narrow circles of vegans. But they gained worldwide popularity only after Hollywood stars began talking about them in the press: Madonna, Sting, Gwyneth Paltrow, Miranda Kerr and others.

Algae Spirulina

The blue-green microalgae Spirulina contains a large amount of vitamin B12 (one of the most important vitamins that affects the beauty of the skin) and protein. The product is also very effective as a cosmetic for accelerating the healing of wounds, burns and ulcers. Spirulina is the best-selling dietary supplement. In Ukraine there are even special farms for its breeding.

Goji berries

Goji are the legendary Chinese “longevity berries”. Goji berries are red in color and look like hard raisins. First of all, they are known for their rejuvenating and tonic properties. They contain a record amount of vitamin C, hundreds of times more than lemons and oranges. Also, one tablespoon of these berries contains: 1 g of protein, 36% of the daily value of vitamin A, plus polysaccharides and amino acids. Goji berries are very low in calories: one tablespoon is only 18 calories.

Acai berries

Dark purple acai berries are a powerful antioxidant that also increases the absorption of omega acids. This product contains a large amount of nutrients such as fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Many scientists seriously believe that by regularly eating acai berries, a person can prolong his beauty, youth and health.

Cocoa beans

Everyone knows that cocoa beans are the basis of chocolate. But besides cocoa, sugar, milk, fats and other impurities are also added to chocolate, so you should not overindulge in sweets. But if you eat raw cocoa beans, you will get a lot of benefits. The product contains iron, magnesium, and 20 times more antioxidants than green tea.

Chia seeds

These seeds are record holders for the content of omega acids: 100 g of chia is equivalent to 800 g of red fish! Chia is also an excellent source of antioxidants, which help prolong the beauty and youth of the skin.

Noni juice

This juice is produced from the fruit of the Morinda Citrifolia tree, which grows in Southeast Asia. Noni juice supports the immune system and is a source of antioxidants that slow down the aging of the skin and the body as a whole.