How to choose quality cheese

Cheese is a product that many people love. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, containing many nutrients. However, not all cheeses are equally healthy and of equal quality. How to choose quality cheese and not get scammed by the seller? In this article we will talk about the main criteria for choosing quality cheese.


To produce high-quality cheese, you only need two ingredients - high-quality milk and sourdough. Therefore, in order to choose high-quality cheese, you need to pay attention to the composition on the label. The composition of the cheese should be simple and contain only milk, sourdough and salt. The composition should not contain unnecessary ingredients, in particular, products of plant origin. If you take the cheese on the layout, pay attention to the name; the phrase “cheese product” should not appear in it. When purchasing cheese slices, you should also pay attention to the packaging date. According to the standards, cheese packaged in this way can be stored for no more than three days. If there are several labels on the package, pasted one on top of the other, it is better not to take the cheese. And remember that real cheese doesn’t come cheap. The minimum price of natural cheese cannot be lower than 70 UAH. per kilogram.


Smell is one of the main criteria for choosing quality cheese. If the cheese has no smell, you can suspect fraud, because a weak, unexpressed smell is characteristic of the cheese product, and not of the cheese. The less milk in the product, the less pronounced the cheese aroma. Real cheese should smell rich, although not for everyone. The cheese smell can be quite pungent. The main thing is that there are no noticeable foreign impurities in it, such as odors of acid, yeast or ammonia.


The taste of the cheese also varies widely depending on the variety. It can be not only tender and creamy, but also hot or spicy, curd-like, sour, salty and even bitter. This is all completely normal - choose the option that you like best. It is important that there is no strange taste unnatural for the cheese. In cheese with added mushrooms, ham, herbs or spices, it is more difficult to catch the catch, so if you are not sure about the manufacturer, it is better to opt for more predictable varieties.


The color of the cheese is another criterion for choosing quality cheese. Color can range from white to cream, yellow or even orange. However, if the color of the cheese appears artificially bright or unnatural, it may be a sign that dyes or other additives have been used. In addition, if there are stains, mold or other unnatural inclusions on the surface of the cheese, this may be a sign that the quality of the product is not up to standard.


The consistency of the cheese is also an important criterion for choosing a quality product. The cheese should be firm and elastic, and also have a uniform consistency. If the cheese is crumbly or too soft, this may indicate low quality. Additionally, if the cheese has air pockets or other unnatural inclusions, this may be a sign that the product was improperly made.


Selecting quality cheese can be a challenging task, especially if you are not an expert in the field. However, by paying attention to the composition, smell, taste, color and consistency of the product, you can make the right choice and enjoy real natural cheese. Remember that real cheese is never cheap, so you shouldn’t skimp on the quality of the product.