14 Habits That Make You Fat

It turns out that if you rebuild yourself and wean yourself off a few seemingly harmless habits, you can return your weight to normal. Let's talk about such habits and how to get rid of them.

  1. Watching TV
    Regular long-term watching of TV is a direct path to obesity. Recent studies have shown that those who watch TV for about two hours a day are much more likely to be overweight than those who watch it for only half an hour a day. Everything is obvious here - when you watch TV, you are in a state of rest, immobility... Pulse, blood pressure and metabolism decrease - as a result, only 20-30 kcal are burned per hour.

  2. Quick meal
    Eating too quickly is a habit of many people. Signals from the stomach to the brain reach after you have already finished eating - hence overeating. Therefore, you need to eat for at least 15-20 minutes - this is exactly the time it takes for the “stomach-brain” signals that you are really full. Scientists believe that fast eating is the cause of metabolic syndrome - high blood pressure, obesity, elevated cholesterol and insulin resistance.

  3. Eat in a hurry
    Very often we have a snack and do something else at the same time. If you eat very often while working at the computer, driving a car, watching TV, going shopping - again, another direct path to obesity. You simply don't notice what you're eating.

  4. Frequent fast food
    One of the main reasons for excess weight is constant stress and lack of time to prepare a healthy and nutritious lunch and dinner. Of course, it’s easier to run to the nearest fast food restaurant, or, simply put, fast food. Fast foods are known for their saturated fat, low fiber content and large portions. The result is obesity again.

  5. Emotional eating
    Emotional eating involves eating large amounts of food to help feed depression, anxiety, or loneliness. But the main goal is to suppress hunger. Experts estimate that 75 percent of overeating is emotional. How many times have you found yourself in the kitchen snacking or munching on junk food to quell stress, but neither of those times you were hungry?

  6. No time to play sports
    If you look at your “to-do list” (“what needs to be done”), then perhaps physical exercise will take the last lines on it (if at all). If so, you are not alone. There are plenty of them. Due to the constant time pressure, it is very difficult to find time to do exercises, but it can still be done. There would be a desire.

  7. Your friends may make you fat
    A study published July 26, 2007, suggested that obesity may be “socially contagious.” It followed 12,000 people over 32 years and found that those with obese friends, siblings and spouses increased their risk of obesity by 37 to 57 percent.

  8. Lack of sleep
    Lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity by increasing levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrenalin and decreasing levels of leptin, the appetite-suppressing hormone. A study conducted at the University of Bristol in the UK found that compared to a normal eight hours of sleep, an hour less sleep increased body fat levels by 3 percent.

  9. Lack of information about consumed products
    Many people eat food and have no idea what energy value they have or how much fat they contain. This leads to weight gain and bad eating habits because you may be eating twice as much as you need to maintain your weight. This is not to mention the fact that it may be necessary not just to maintain weight, but to reduce it.

  10. Credit cards
    Visa study of 100,000 restaurant accounts