Honey-kefir diet

Honey speeds up metabolic processes, so its regular use can quickly bring your weight back to normal. And kefir will help support the body.

First day: for breakfast, eat a tablespoon of honey with nuts, figs, raisins and lemon juice and drink tea. You can afford your usual lunch, without changes. For an afternoon snack - an orange or grapefruit, and for dinner - a glass of kefir.

Second day: For breakfast, tea with honey, lunch - regular, and replace afternoon snack and dinner with kefir.

Third day: For breakfast tea with honey, and for lunch, afternoon snack and dinner - only kefir.

Day four: drink only tea with honey, 4 times a day.

Fifth day: drink only kefir, 4 times a day.

Starting from the sixth day, all days of the diet are repeated in reverse order: the sixth day is the same as the fifth, the seventh is the same as the fourth, and so on until the final 10 days.