Diet according to Meryl Streep's recipe

The actress, who has recently received award after award at various film festivals, knows how to look stunning despite her advanced age. What is the secret of Meryl Streep's inexhaustible energy and beautiful figure? The secret is in a diet that allows you to lose ten extra pounds in three weeks.

First two days

For breakfast and lunch, it is prescribed to eat a slice of grain bread, washed down with a glass of milk. For dinner, a glass of milk is drunk without a “snack.” In addition to the above, you can drink a glass of tomato juice throughout the day.

Third and fourth days

For breakfast - a cup of coffee with milk without sugar, a piece of grain bread with a small piece of butter and a teaspoon of honey.
For lunch - a cup of meat or fish broth with a small piece of meat or fish, two tablespoons of green peas and a slice of grain bread.
For an afternoon snack - a glass of milk with half a tablespoon of honey.
Dinner is offered to choose from: two hard-boiled eggs, or 50 grams of low-fat cheese, a piece of meat or fish, or a glass of kefir with a piece of bread.

Fifth and sixth days

For breakfast - two oranges or two apples.
For lunch - a plate of vegetable soup (without potatoes), salad in vegetable oil with a slice of grain bread.
For dinner - vegetable salad or vinaigrette, half a tablespoon of honey, a glass of tea.
You can snack on fruit throughout the day.

Having survived the first six days, continue to repeat the menu for three weeks, starting from the third day.

Author: Maria Lukina
Photo: AFP