Microwave food: is it dangerous for health?

Microwave ovens are a convenient and fast means of cooking that can be found in most kitchens around the world. However, despite their popularity, microwave ovens raise concerns among many people who doubt their health safety.

From a medical point of view, microwave ovens can be hazardous to human health. Introducing microwave-exposed molecules into the body may cause more harm than good. Research shows that microwaved food contains microwave energy in molecules that is not present in traditionally prepared foods.

One study conducted by scientists in Switzerland found that people who ate microwaved milk and vegetables had changes in their blood composition, decreased hemoglobin, and increased cholesterol, while people who ate the same food but cooked it traditionally had worse health effects. hasn't changed.

Another US study found that microwaved food contains fewer vitamins and minerals than traditionally cooked food. This is because microwave waves cause the destruction of some nutrients in food.

In addition, part of the microwave energy remains in food, consuming which a person is exposed to microwave radiation. Radiation causes food molecules to break down and become deformed, which can lead to degeneration.

Microwave oven manufacturers state that microwaved food does not have much difference in composition compared to traditionally processed food. However, there is no public university in the United States that has conducted research on the effects of altered microwaved food on the human body.

There are many studies that confirm the dangers of using microwave ovens, however, most of them were conducted a long time ago and with a small number of participants. Larger studies are needed to determine the exact level of risk associated with eating microwaved food.

Thus, while there is no definite scientific evidence about the dangers of microwave ovens to health, there are also no guarantees of their safety. Therefore, if you are concerned about your health, you may want to use the microwave with caution and limit its use in your daily diet. You can also choose healthier foods and only use the microwave to heat them, not cook them.