Product secret: 9 assistants for female beauty

You can diet endlessly and buy a carload of expensive cosmetics - if you don’t eat right, nothing will help you maintain your beauty. The main secret to shiny hair, strong nails, clear skin and shining eyes is the use of certain foods. Modern scientists have determined what kind of food can rightfully be called “female beauty products.”

Product No. 1 – Oatmeal
Train yourself to eat oatmeal for breakfast. It contains proteins, fiber and “succinic acid” - all this will be the key to excellent digestion, which means that your body will be freed from accumulated toxins in time. If you don’t have time to cook the porridge, pour boiling water over “Hercules”, add grated apple, nuts, and raisins if possible.

Product No. 2 – kiwi
It is enough to eat one fruit daily - the vitamin C content in one kiwi is equal to several oranges. In addition, kiwi will give you elastic, youthful skin - beta-carotene is responsible for this. You will get a beautiful complexion, and in the summer you will be able to achieve a beautiful, even tan.

Product No. 3 – avocado
If you regularly eat avocado, you will forget that your hair can be dull and your nails can be brittle. Avocado is rich in substances that help break down “bad” cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it contains a whole list of vitamins - A, B, C, and D. It contains no sugar or carbohydrates, but it contains 30% oil, 2% protein and a lot of potassium - more than is found in bananas. Riboflavin and thiamine contained in avocado are very useful for maintaining youth and elasticity of the skin. In addition, avocado will not add kilograms to you - 100 g of its pulp contains only 160 calories.

Product No. 4 – cheese
The main thing is to choose hard cheeses - Russian, Swiss, Dutch, Kostroma, Parmesan, etc. A day is enough to eat 100 g of this magical product - this will help saturate the body with the right amount of calcium: 100 g of cheese contains 1200 mg of calcium! This means your nails will be beautiful and healthy, just like your teeth. In addition, cheese is also fat, protein, phosphorus and amino acids, and this product contains very deficient amino acids - lysine, methionine and tryptophan.

Product No. 5 – champignons
If you want to maintain an attractive complexion and delay the appearance of the first wrinkles, lean on champignons! These mushrooms should be eaten at least once a week in the amount of 500 g. Together with the delicious soup, you will receive a powerful charge of youth and energy - after all, champignons contain two antioxidants: vitamin B5 (it promotes cell regeneration) and selenium (which is widely used in the production of anti-aging cosmetics).

Product No. 6 – nuts
It is known that skin cells are actively destroyed by free radicals. It is they who are “to blame” for the fact that our skin ages, becomes thin and dry, and wrinkles appear on it... To keep the skin elastic and taut, it is necessary to fight free radicals. Vitamin E, which is found in walnuts, does this great. Make it a habit to eat a dozen nuts every day.

Product No. 7 - millet
Millet contains a large amount of microelements such as silicon. It is absolutely necessary for the connective tissues of the body. In collaboration with elastin and collagen, silicon provides our skin with a reliable “framework”. The top layer of skin, called the epidermis, will remain elastic thanks to the banal millet porridge that you eat at least a couple of times a week.

Product No. 8 - cabbage
If you have problem skin or don’t like the color of your complexion, respect cabbage, especially sauerkraut. It contains lactic acid, which is so necessary for female beauty, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the functioning of the intestine.