Diet No. 14, table No. 14

Diet No. 14, table No. 14, is a diet that is recommended for patients with urolithiasis with an alkaline urine reaction and precipitation of phosphorus-calcium salts (phosphaturia). The purpose of the diet is to restore the acidity of urine and prevent the formation of sediment.

Diet No. 14 involves limiting foods that are alkalizing and rich in calcium (dairy products, most vegetables and fruits), as well as the predominance of foods that change the reaction of urine in an acidic direction (bread and flour products, cereals, meat, fish). In this case, cooking and food temperature should be normal. In the absence of contraindications, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

The chemical composition and calorie content of dietary table No. 14 is as follows: carbohydrates - 380-400 g, proteins - 90 g, fats - 100 g, calories - 2800 kcal, sodium chloride - 10-12 g, free liquid - 1.5-2.5 l.

The diet for diet No. 14 involves eating 4 times a day, as well as drinking in between and on an empty stomach.

Diet No. 14 should take into account recommended and excluded foods and dishes. Allowed are bread and flour products (various types, with a limitation of milk and yolks), soups (on weak meat, fish, mushroom broths with cereals, noodles, legumes), meat and poultry (various types in any preparation), fish (various types in any preparation, canned fish in small quantities), dairy products (only a little sour cream in dishes), eggs (in various preparations and in dishes 1 egg per day, limit yolks), cereals (any in various preparations, but without milk), green peas, pumpkin, mushrooms (vegetables), various meat, fish, seafood snacks, sour varieties of apples, cranberries, lingonberries, compotes, jellies and jelly made from them, meringues, snowballs (fruits, sweet dishes and sweets), mild meat sauces , fish, mushroom broths, spices in very limited quantities, weak tea and coffee without milk, rosehip decoction, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks, butter, cow's ghee and vegetable oils in their natural form and for cooking, limit meat and sausage products, canned food , smoked meats, fatty fish and meats, salted and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, cheeses, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, chocolate, cream and butter products, honey, sugar, jams and preserves.

It is important to remember that diet No. 14 is prescribed only by a doctor and must meet the individual needs and characteristics of the patient. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor.