How to avoid dehydration in summer

In summer, it is very important to regularly and correctly replenish the required volume of water in the body, because it regularly comes out with sweat in the heat and during physical activity. How to drink fluids correctly in the summer to avoid dehydration, and what do experts recommend?

Drink only water

No juice, kvass or tea can saturate the body with moisture better than plain water. Dairy products spoil quickly, so their consumption is not recommended, but sweet tea and coffee only add extra calories and increase blood sugar levels. Drink still water or add herbs or lemon juice to it.

Don't wait until you're thirsty

If you feel very thirsty, then this is already a sign of dehydration. It is better not to bring it to this state and drink a glass of water every hour. Also remember that you need to start the day with a glass of boiled water at room temperature with the addition of lemon or honey - this way the body will wake up faster and improve metabolism. If you are overweight, have diabetes or kidney disease, talk to your doctor about your fluid intake schedule.

How to quench your thirst in summer?

Drink in portions

Experts do not recommend drinking a lot of water at once. It is better to do this little by little and often than to “blow” a liter of liquid in one gulp. Otherwise, you can load the kidneys, heart and blood vessels so that they have a hard time coping with its removal from the body.

Add salt to water

Sodium is removed from the body through sweat. Therefore, add 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. salt, this mixture will normalize water-salt metabolism.

Eat liquid meals, vegetables and fruits

Doctors recommend eating more foods containing liquid in hot weather. For example, cherries, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelons, melons, celery, raspberries, radishes, and apples can supply the body with moisture for a long time, being slowly digested.