The Perricone diet is at the height of fashion

Every woman dreams of maintaining youthful and beautiful skin, but does not always know how to do it. Dermatologist Nicholas Perricone has developed a unique diet that allows you not only to get rid of skin problems, but also to keep it young and elastic for many years. Today, this diet is all the rage in America, and more and more people are switching to it to improve their health and appearance.

Perricone claims that skin problems arise from poor diet and consumption of unhealthy foods such as alcoholic beverages, sugar and coffee. Therefore, he advises excluding them from the diet and in a week you will be able to see the first results of such “abstinence.” The specialist recommends eating foods rich in omega-3 acids and antioxidants, and drinking as much fluid as possible. The healthiest foods, according to Perricone, are berries, vegetables, salmon and nuts.

For breakfast, Perricone recommends salmon, eggs, a handful of any berries and porridge. For lunch you should eat berries, all kinds of salads and fish dishes. And for dinner it is advisable to leave melon, vegetables and walnuts. To make your skin smooth and elastic, you must follow this diet for at least 1.5 months.

According to reviews from those who followed the Perricone diet, the results are immediate. Within a few days after starting the diet, the skin becomes more elastic and fresh, pigmentation and acne disappear. After several weeks, the skin acquires a healthy color and becomes more elastic. And if you follow this diet for several months, you can forget about skin problems forever.

However, it should be remembered that the Perricone diet is not suitable for everyone. Before you start following this diet, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist. It is also important to consider your individual needs and limitations to avoid possible health problems.

The Perricone diet is not only an effective way to maintain youthful and beautiful skin, but also improve overall health. If you want to feel better and look more attractive, you can try following this diet. But do not forget that health is the most important thing, so before starting any diet, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist to avoid possible health problems. In general, the Perricone diet is an effective way to improve the health and beauty of the skin, and is very popular in America and beyond. If you want to get rid of skin problems and improve your physical fitness, you can try following this diet and evaluate its effectiveness yourself.