Our favorite cheese: types, useful qualities and preparation

In France, cheese is usually served at the table after all dishes, including sweet ones, immediately before coffee. In other words, cheese is considered the best dessert. What do you know about cheese?

The legend of the origin of cheese

According to one of them, the Arabian merchant Kanan set off early in the morning on a long journey through a deserted area. He took food with him, as well as milk, which he poured into a traditional vessel for nomads - a dried sheep's stomach. When it got dark, the merchant stopped for the night and decided to drink milk before going to bed. But... instead of milk, a watery liquid (whey) flowed from the sheep's stomach, and a white clot appeared inside the vessel. Disappointed, Kanan still ate a piece of this clot and was surprised by the pleasant taste of the new product. This is how cheese was born, and it happened more than four thousand years ago.

Cheese making in countries around the world

The process of making modern cheese, its appearance and taste are very far from what it was many centuries ago. In some countries, cheese making has reached the level of art and cheese has become a source of national pride. These are primarily Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Holland and, of course, France.

Types of cheeses

According to the method of preparation, cheeses are divided into hard, semi-hard and soft. Brine, processed and fermented milk cheeses are divided into separate groups. Based on the fat content in dry matter, cheeses are divided into 50 and 45 percent, less often 40 and 30 percent.

The beneficial effects of cheese on the human body

Before serving, cheeses are first kept for 2-3 hours at room temperature so that their flavor is fully developed. The effectiveness of cheese on our body strictly depends on the time of day. Early in the morning, before 9-10 o’clock, cheese is, figuratively speaking, “gold” for us - it is absorbed most fully.