Top 9 most harmful drinks

When choosing drinks, evaluate their composition. It is not enough for the drink to contain any useful element. It is much more important that there are no harmful ones in it.

Juice drinks are not as healthy as they seem. Most often it is colored sweet water, which has no benefit. The amount of juice in such drinks is minimal. Look for 100% juice.

Coffee cocktails based on milk not only make you fat (a cup of such “yummy” can contain up to 800 calories), but also cause blockage of blood vessels.

Flavored water is dangerous due to its high sugar content, which negates the benefits of the vitamins and microelements included in this product. Not to mention the fact that natural flavors are practically not used now, but is it worth drinking chemicals?

Diet soda without calories does not seem to cause harm to the body. But, on the other hand, it contains not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. The body is running idle.

Fruit smoothies contribute to weight gain. A liter of drink contains about 700 calories and only two grams of protein. And, of course, too much sugar.

Sports drinks promote increased fat burning, but are also rich in artificial sweeteners.

Strong alcohol in small doses can improve blood circulation and help burn sugar. But if you drink just a sip above the norm, the effect turns into the exact opposite: say, the risk of dying from cancer increases by 36%.

Lemonade is the most harmful to health. A glass of drink contains 6 tablespoons of sugar, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings. All this adds an extra hundred calories, and does not bring any benefit.

Energy drinks contain both large amounts of caffeine and sugar. While providing a short-term burst of strength, they subsequently cause serious fatigue.

Author: Maria Lukina