German diet

Specialists from Germany have developed an excellent way to lose weight especially for obese women. The German diet is one of the longest and with each week the total calorie content decreases, and the number of foods that are prohibited grows with each week. Mineral water and alcohol are strictly excluded. The good thing about the 7-week German diet is that weight loss is guaranteed, and after leaving the diet, the lost weight does not return for a long time.

German diet menu for 7 weeks:


  1. on Monday you are allowed to drink up to 5 liters of water, you cannot eat anything else
  2. From Tuesday to Sunday, the usual diet is maintained


  1. Monday's menu is retained, on Tuesday you can eat only oranges or grapefruits (up to 2 kg), the rest of the week the usual diet is maintained


  1. The menu for Monday and Tuesday is preserved, on Wednesday you can eat only apples (up to 2 kg), the rest of the days of the week the usual diet is maintained


  1. The menu for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is preserved, on Thursday you can only drink freshly squeezed juice (any fruit or vegetable, banana is prohibited), the rest of the days of the week the usual diet is maintained


  1. The menu for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is retained, on Friday only low-fat kefir is allowed, on Saturday and Sunday the usual diet is maintained


  1. The menu for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is preserved, on Saturday you can eat boiled zucchini or boiled pineapple (up to 1 kg), on Sunday the usual diet is maintained


  1. The menu for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday is preserved; on Sunday you are allowed to drink up to 5 liters of water, nothing else can be eaten

The German diet requires a lot of willpower, but the amount of kilograms lost is worth it - up to 20 kg of excess weight.

In addition to the long 7-week diet, there is also the German diet, which lasts 2 weeks. This diet also has a clear menu from which it is forbidden to deviate.

German diet for 2 weeks. Menu:


  1. Breakfast - tea or coffee + crackers
  2. Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, 80 gr. spinach (can be seasoned with oil) + tomato
  3. Dinner - 1 cutlet, tomato and green onion salad (150 gr., can be seasoned with oil)


  1. Breakfast - tea or coffee + crackers
  2. Lunch - 200 gr. salad (tomatoes and cabbage, can be dressed with oil), orange or a couple of tangerines (can be replaced with an apple and a couple of plums)
  3. Dinner - 2 boiled eggs, 200 gr. boiled meat + 80 gr. green salad


  1. Breakfast - tea or coffee
  2. Lunch - 1 boiled egg, boiled carrots (200 gr., can be seasoned with oil), cheese (100 gr.)
  3. Dinner - salad of tangerine, banana, pear and apple (250 gr.)


  1. Breakfast - a glass of apple juice (preferably natural)
  2. Lunch - boiled or fried fish (250 gr.), tomato and apple
  3. Dinner - 1 meat cutlet, green salad (150 g, can be seasoned with oil or lemon juice)


  1. Breakfast - a glass of carrot juice
  2. Lunch - fried chicken (up to 200 gr.), green salad (100 gr.)
  3. Dinner - 2 boiled eggs, grated carrots (can be seasoned with oil)


  1. Breakfast - a cup of tea + crackers
  2. Lunch - fried meat (up to 200 gr.), cabbage salad with lemon juice (150 gr.)
  3. Dinner - grated carrots (100 gr., can be seasoned with oil), cheese (150 gr.)


  1. Breakfast - a cup of tea + crackers
  2. Lunch - boiled or fried chicken (up to 200 gr.)
  3. Dinner - any fruit (300 gr.)

This German diet will allow you to lose up to 7 kg in two weeks.