Low fat diet

A low-fat diet is characterized by a sharp restriction in foods containing fat. This stimulates the body to use its own fat reserves. A low-fat diet is dangerous because the body does not receive enough fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which are present in plant and animal fats.

You are not being asked to completely give up fat. But just reduce their consumption to 5% of the diet, and consume only vegetable fats, and exclude meat and animal fats.

Low fat diet. Authorized Products

Meat: lean, lean beef, veal, horse meat and lamb, game, chicken. The meat should be boiled or fried on a grill without fat. Low-fat fish: trout, perch, pike, cod, flounder, boiled or fried on a grill without fat. Bread products, especially those made from wholemeal flour. Vegetables, any mushrooms. Fruits. Drinks: tea, coffee.

Low fat diet. Prohibited Products

All fats of vegetable and animal origin and dishes containing fat. Meat: pork, lamb, goose, duck, fatty beef, veal. Offal: tongue, liver, heart, kidneys, brain, spleen, lungs. Any sausages. Fatty fish: eel, carp, herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna. Caviar. Milk and dairy products, excluding low-fat ones. Egg yolks. Beans, soybeans. Nuts. Chocolate, cocoa, sugar and sugar products, jams, marmalade. Any alcoholic drinks.

Sample daily menu for a low-fat diet:

Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, orange, apple, prune compote or 1-2 soft-boiled eggs; or a piece of wholemeal bread with light butter; green tea or dandelion coffee.

Second breakfast: mixed fruit salad, add seedless raisins, ground nuts or 25 g sesame seeds or 1-2 glasses of fruit juice.

Lunch: 1-2 slices of whole grain bread with light butter or a tomato salad with herbs, or fruit, fruit salad, a glass of fruit juice.

Dinner: choice of: vegetable soup or lean meat or fish, omelette with potatoes and a large portion of green salad; assorted vegetable salad or fruit salad, compote, pudding with semolina, pasta.

To calculate the amount of fat, you can use a recipe analyzer, which in a split second will determine in any of your recipes how much fat, calories, proteins, carbohydrates and much more are contained.