French diet from Elena Malysheva

French women are used to eating often, but in very small portions, which is why they always look fit, slim and young. According to TV presenter Elena Malysheva, the French diet involves a special seven- or fourteen-day diet without the use of semi-finished products, mayonnaise and snacks.

The French enjoy eating fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, seafood and fish and washing it all down with a glass of wine. In addition, they lead an active lifestyle, which, combined with a healthy diet, gives very good results.

French diet for 7 days

Forget about alcohol, spices, sweets, juices, flour and salt for a week or two - it depends on how long you can last on the diet. A sample menu looks like this:

First day

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, lettuce, 1 tomato.

Dinner: 100-150 g of lean boiled meat, lettuce.

Second day

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, a cracker.

Lunch: 100-150 g of boiled meat.

Dinner: ham or boiled sausage without fat, lettuce.

The third day

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, a cracker.

Lunch: carrots (fried in olive oil), tomato, tangerine or orange.

Dinner: two boiled eggs, low-fat sausage, lettuce.

Fourth day

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, a cracker.

Lunch: 1 boiled egg, fresh carrots, 2-3 pieces of cheese.

Dinner: fruit salad, glass of kefir.

Fifth day

Breakfast: grated carrots with lemon juice.

Lunch: 100-150 g of boiled fish, 1 tomato.

Dinner: 100-150 g of boiled meat.

Sixth day

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.

Lunch: 100-150 g of boiled chicken, lettuce.

Dinner: 100-150 g of boiled meat.

Seventh day

Breakfast: a glass of tea.

Lunch: 100-150 g of boiled meat, fruit.

Dinner: lean ham or sausage (2-3 pieces)

Those who want to follow the French diet for another week are advised to stick to the same menu every day.

Source: Elena Malysheva’s magazine