How actresses lose weight: movie star diet

We all admire the luxurious forms of movie stars. Of course, a beautiful body is both genetic inheritance and constant training in the fitness room, dancing, yoga, and healthy sleep. And, perhaps, the most important thing for staying in shape is proper nutrition. Actresses do not always have the opportunity to eat well and adhere to a normal eating regimen. So nutritionists have compiled the optimal menu, thanks to which you can lose a few kilograms and maintain the result for a long time.

The diet, despite the lack of variety, is balanced in mineral and vitamin composition, so you can stick to it for a long time.

Movie Star Diet


Rihanna's weight loss secret before the Grammys

  1. 2 small cups of black tea or coffee (no sugar or topping)

  2. 2 slices toasted bread (no oil)

  3. 2 soft-boiled eggs

  4. 3 small tomatoes


  1. 250 g lean meat (boiled or grilled without fat)

  2. any green vegetables

  3. large apple

Afternoon snack

  1. a cup of weak tea and a piece of biscuit


Same menu as for breakfast.

Note. Meat can be periodically replaced with white or red fish, small shrimp, and poultry.

Source: I WANT