What to drink to lose weight: detox cocktails

All our lives we have to deal with food deprivation. But when it comes to spring, and even more so to summer, the problem worsens even more. To get in good shape and cleanse your body, you need to detox. We offer you to lose weight quickly, healthy and, most importantly, delicious! See and read recipes for the simplest and detox cocktails in our gallery.

Raspberry-lime: 2 liters of water, 1 lime, 2 tbsp. raspberries (fresh or frozen), 15-20 fresh mint leaves. Raspberries work as an antioxidant, and mint helps digestion by flushing out toxins from the kidneys, liver, and intestines.

In the gallery we have collected cocktails so that in any month you can choose for yourself the most relevant fruits and berries that bring the most benefits in their season. In addition to losing weight, each of them is useful in some way - some ingredients cleanse the kidneys or liver, others improve immunity, others improve memory or prevent skin aging... If you still haven’t decided to detox your body, it’s time to start doing it this with new recipes!

Watch the video on how to quickly, easily and funly make detox cocktails for weight loss:

Read also:

  1. Green smoothies to cleanse the body

  2. How to do a nail detox

  3. How to do a hair detox