What can honey help with?

Honey is not only a sweet delicacy, but also a healthy product that can bring many benefits to the body. There are many ways to use honey for medicinal purposes, which are widely used in folk medicine and are even recommended by doctors.

One way to use honey is to use it as a preventative against infections. It is recommended to eat 5 tablespoons of honey per day. You can mix honey with milk or eat it with bread. This diet will help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from colds.

However, honey can also be used to treat specific ailments. For example, honey with milk helps with insomnia. Before going to bed, you should drink a couple of tablespoons of honey dissolved in a glass of milk in small sips and immediately lie down under the covers. This may help improve your sleep quality. If honey and milk do not help you fall asleep, this may be a sign of an overloaded nervous system, and in this case it is better to consult a psychologist.

Honey can also be used externally to treat minor abrasions and wounds. You can apply pure honey or a medicinal honey mixture prepared from a teaspoon of honey and 20-30 drops of Echinacea tincture to the wound. Honey also helps to quickly cope with stomatitis in children. To do this, you need to lubricate the ulcer with pure honey until the inflammation goes away. Due to the deliciousness of the medicine, children usually do not refuse such treatment.

It is important to note that honey can also be used for honey massage. It helps clean out skin pores and improve blood circulation. The massage is done like this: apply a few spoons of honey to your back and start patting it. In this case, the skin sticks to the hands and is pulled back more and more each time before the palms leave the back. The massage is done until all the honey is removed from the skin. However, for people with sensitive skin, such a massage can cause bruising, so before use you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to honey.

To summarize, we can say that honey is not only a tasty product, but also a real healer. It can help strengthen the immune system, improve sleep quality, treat minor wounds, and even improve blood circulation when given a honey massage. However, before using honey for medicinal purposes, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor, especially if you have any medical conditions or allergies. Also, you should not overuse honey, as it contains a large amount of sugar, which can negatively affect your health. Proper use of honey can provide many benefits to the body and help maintain health for many years.