Diet Malakhov

Malakhov's diet: Lose weight easily and quickly

The Malakhov diet is a unique weight loss method that helps you quickly and easily get rid of excess weight. This method of losing weight was developed by a famous folk healer, Gennady Malakhov, the author of numerous books on healing the body.

The duration of the Malakhov diet is five days, and in this short time it allows you to lose up to five kilograms of weight. The basis of Malakhov’s diet is herbal infusions, which should be drunk throughout the day. Herbal infusions are brewed overnight in a thermos, in a volume of 1.5-2 liters.

The Malakhov diet is good because if you follow it, almost anything is possible, the main condition is not to overeat. The only difficulty of the technique is the complete exclusion of coffee, tea, water and any other drinks from the diet - you only need to drink a herbal infusion prepared in advance.

In order to prepare the infusion, you need to purchase lemon, honey, willow mistletoe and linden blossom.

Malakhov's diet assumes full adherence to the following regime:

1 day. Linden blossom (1 tbsp/l per 1.5 l of water).
Day 2. Mistletoe (1 tbsp/l per 1.5 l of water).
Day 3. Brew linden blossom in half with willow mistletoe (1 tbsp/l).
Day 4 Mistletoe, linden and honey are brewed together (all ingredients 1 tbsp/l).
Day 5 Mistletoe, linden, honey are brewed in a ratio of 1:1:1 and 0.5 lemon is added.

Malakhov's diet not only helps to lose excess weight, but also cleanses the body, removing waste, toxins, heavy metals and salts from it. Thus, this technique facilitates the course of many chronic diseases and increases the body’s immunity to the emergence of new diseases.

But like any diet, the Malakhov diet has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is quite light and does not require strict dietary restrictions. The downside may be that the weight lost can quickly return after the end of the diet if you do not adhere to a healthy diet and moderate physical activity.

In addition, before starting the Malakhov diet, you should consult your doctor, since this technique may be contraindicated in some cases, for example, in the presence of chronic diseases or during pregnancy.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, Malakhov recommends lightly tapping problem areas of the body with a spoon or fly swatter several times a day. According to the observations of a traditional healer, such a “shake-up” is beneficial to the body - the blood circulates faster, and therefore all harmful substances and along with them extra pounds are removed from the body more quickly.

In conclusion, the Malakhov diet can be a good way for quick and easy weight loss if you follow it correctly and do not forget about a healthy lifestyle. But before starting a diet, you need to consult your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.