How the buckwheat diet works: secrets of proper weight loss

The buckwheat diet is a fairly effective method of losing weight. In 14 days of this miracle diet you can lose 12 kilograms. How? The editors of looked into it.

The essence of the diet is that you need to eat buckwheat porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Without salt. There is no limit on the amount of porridge you can consume: you can eat as much as you want. However, as practice shows, one glass of cereal per day is enough. It is best not to cook the porridge, but pour boiling water in a thermos and let it brew for several hours. You can’t cook buckwheat, because this way it will lose most of its nutrients. By the way, for the buckwheat diet it is best to take unprocessed green buckwheat.

Buckwheat contains a lot of fiber, protein, phosphorus, iodine, and B vitamins (B1, B2, PP). Another important fact is that this cereal can be considered actually a complete meat substitute.

During the diet, in addition to buckwheat, during the day you can drink a liter of low-fat kefir, eat 3 apples and eat a pack of low-fat yogurt. The buckwheat diet is quite boring in terms of diet, so before using it for weight loss, you need to set yourself up for the result. And at all times remember what you want to achieve.

For drinks, you can drink water, green tea and coffee without sugar. The last meal is 4 hours before bedtime. If you feel hungry later, satisfy it with kefir.

The duration of the buckwheat diet is 14 days. Nutritionists promise that during this time you can lose up to 12 kilograms. The diet can be repeated once every three months, if suddenly one time does not seem enough to you.

The main advantage of the buckwheat diet is that after completing it and switching to a normal diet, the extra pounds do not return. Of course, if you don’t go heavy on cakes and buns.

If you are not ready for a 14-day marathon on buckwheat, you can limit yourself to a fasting day on this grain. So, during the day you eat only buckwheat. There are no restrictions on the amount of food consumed. You can eat as much as you want. The main thing is not to add any foods to your diet. In one fasting day you can lose up to a kilogram.

The buckwheat diet is strictly contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the diet should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Remember, buckwheat can cause excessive gas formation, so, just in case, during the diet, stock up on anti-bloating remedies.

It is noteworthy that among all the weight loss methods that do not require large cash injections, judging by the reviews of experienced people, the buckwheat diet is one of the most effective and safe. The main thing is to love buckwheat and have a positive attitude towards a monotonous diet.