Top 5 most bad eating habits

A balanced diet is one of the key factors influencing a healthy lifestyle. But it is equally important to avoid bad eating habits that can cause serious damage to our health. American nutritionists have identified the 5 most common habits that should be avoided to stay healthy and fit.

  1. Don't eat hastily. One of the most common bad habits is snacking on the run. Insufficient chewing of food can lead to poor digestion and bloating. To avoid this, it is important to eat food not with your hands, but with cutlery, and in a calm environment, taking short breaks to take a sip of water.

  2. Don't eat on the go. Eating breakfast on the bus or in the car can lead to discomfort and heaviness in the stomach for the whole day. We often eat food while driving, while shopping, or sitting in front of the computer because the report is not ready yet. However, this leads to overeating and poor absorption of food. Therefore, you should take time to eat and eat in a calm environment.

  3. Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar contains many empty calories and few beneficial nutrients. However, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon it. Just try to reduce your usual dose of “sweets” by half.

  4. Don't let your mood control your diet. Feelings of sadness and disappointment may trigger a desire to consume carbohydrates, which promote the production of serotonin in the body. Try replacing edible mood boosters with moderate physical activity, a walk in the fresh air, or going to the movies.

  5. Don't eat before bed. Late dinner can lead to poor sleep and reduced sleep duration. Also, the stomach does not have time to digest food, so your evening meal should take place 4 hours before bedtime.

In conclusion, following these simple rules will help keep you healthy, fit and improve your quality of life. Do not forget that proper and balanced nutrition is the key to health and longevity.