Diet of astronauts: how to become weightless

The astronaut diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight in a short period of time. In 20 days you can lose up to 20 kilograms of excess weight. How is this possible? Let's take a closer look.

Description of the diet

The astronaut diet is a protein diet that lasts for 20 days. During this time, it is necessary to follow a strict diet that limits the calorie intake to 700 calories per day. It is important to note that during the day you can only eat foods containing protein. Carbohydrates are completely excluded.

Diet principles

The astronauts' diet is based on two principles: calorie restriction and exclusion of carbohydrates. Protein foods that can be consumed throughout the day will help you avoid feeling hungry for a long time. However, the lack of carbohydrates leads to the body feeling exhausted due to lack of energy.

Astronaut diet menu

The following menu is based on the recommendations of nutritionists for the diet of astronauts:

  1. Breakfast: a cup of coffee and 1 egg (boiled or fried without oil).
  2. Lunch: boiled chicken fillet or beef (200 grams) + 500 ml chicken broth (low-fat). Meat can be replaced with lean fish.
  3. Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
  4. Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese.

It is important to note that as part of this diet, it is prohibited to consume salt, sugar, bread, spices and other foods. You can drink 2 cups of coffee per day, as well as drink green tea and still water without restrictions.

Diet tips

The diet of astronauts is a very difficult period for the body and psychological state. To simplify the process of losing weight, you can prepare for the diet in advance by starting to limit yourself to certain foods a couple of weeks before starting the diet. It is also very important to monitor your well-being and stop dieting if there are any negative changes in your health.

The astronaut diet is not recommended for people with diseases of the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

In conclusion, the astronaut diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight in a short period of time. However, before you start using it, you should consult your doctor and nutritionist to ensure that it is safe for your body and health. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition after finishing the diet in order to avoid the opposite effect and maintain the achieved result. It is best to use the astronaut diet as a temporary solution for rapid weight loss, and then switch to a more balanced and varied diet.