Home spa wonders: for your face, body and soul

How to feel the charge of vivacity and energy that nourishes both body and soul? How to be born again in a matter of minutes and get rid of accumulated fatigue? Here are home spa options for your body, face, hair, eyes and general well-being.

  1. For body

Prepare a bath. To do this, you can simply use 2 cups of Epsom salts or mix 1⁄4 cup of Epsom salts, 1⁄8 cup of baking soda and 15 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Grapefruit oil is an excellent tonic. Add it to your bath water and get ready to relax.

  1. For face

Then apply the avocado mask. Simply combine 1⁄2 avocado and one tablespoon of coconut milk. Mix to form a paste and apply.

  1. For hair

If you want, you can make the same mixture and apply it to your hair. Add more coconut milk until the mixture is the same consistency as hair conditioner.

  1. For eyes

Finally, prepare a chamomile compress for the eyes. Brew two tea bags in a little hot water. Leave to cool slowly and squeeze out excess liquid.

  1. For yourself beloved

Now you are ready to move to the bathroom and enjoy some privacy. After the sugar scrub, take a bath and apply the mask to your face, hair, and the compress to your eyes. Immerse yourself in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

After the bath, take a shower and thoroughly rinse off the mask and wash your hair with shampoo. Once your hair is dry, apply your favorite moisturizer.

Now it's time to enjoy your favorite herbal tea. Enjoy your holiday! And spend more time with your loved one!