Top 5 effective diets from I WANT

In the modern world, every woman strives to always be slim and fit. And a beautiful figure, as you know, depends, first of all, on nutrition. I WANT to choose the five most effective diets for you.

Kefir diet

One of the most popular diets in the post-Soviet space is the kefir diet. This is a very effective diet that helps not only lose extra pounds, but also improve the functioning of the intestinal tract. Kefir is also perfect for fasting days.

Green juice for weight loss

Another fashionable drink for weight loss today is green juice. This is the secret weight loss remedy of many Hollywood stars. Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, Gwyneth Paltrow and many others were spotted with a green drink in hand. Any green vegetables and fruits are suitable for making green juice (cabbage, rhubarb, lime, parsley, dill, spinach, celery, apples, onions, lettuce, green peppers, asparagus, etc.). Green plants are rich in antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin C, so they perfectly cleanse the body, remove toxins, improve metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ducan's diet

In addition to green juices, Hollywood stars especially liked the Dukan protein diet, based on consuming a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of proteins. And although this diet was created by nutritionist Pierre Dukan himself, this nutritional system has many opponents among his colleagues. Thus, according to Ukrainian nutritionist Natalya Samoilenko: “The Dukan diet has nothing to do with a healthy diet and on this diet you can expect weight loss in response to minimal deviation from the program. In addition, one must take into account that such food systems are very harmful to health.”

Diet based on baby food

A diet based on baby food will help not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse the body of waste and toxins, since baby food is prepared exclusively from natural products, without chemical additives. Such Hollywood stars as Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga have already been convinced of the effectiveness of this diet.

Sushi diet

If you adore Japanese cuisine and are not ready to give it up even for the sake of a slim figure, try the sushi diet. Many stars, for example, Demi Moore, Robbie Williams, Nikolay Baskov, Frank Sinatra, Steven Spielberg, prefer the sushi diet to traditional diets. This diet is a relatively new and fashionable trend in dietetics. Sushi is healthy and low in calories. Rice is a source of energy that supplies the body with carbohydrates, fiber, protein, thiamine, iron and niacin, and seafood contains many useful minerals, amino acids, vitamins and salt, fish is rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine and fluorine.