What are the benefits of feijoa?

From the first to the third week of November, the season of the lowest prices and best taste of feijoa begins. This fruit, named after the director of the Brazilian Museum of Natural History, Joanie de Silva Feijo, is famous for its many beneficial properties.

The feijoa bush is interesting not only for its sweet fruits, but also for its leaves. True, it will be much easier to purchase feijoa fruits in local latitudes than leaves. The taste and smell of feijoa is a mix of strawberries, kiwi and pineapple.

In terms of iodine content, this fruit can be compared to seafood. And in addition to iodine, feijoa contains all vitamins, fiber, pectins, malic acid, essential sugars, micro- and macroelements. The essential oil of the fruit has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for the skin.

Feijoa is indicated for use in the following cases:

  1. thyroid diseases;
  2. atherosclerosis;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pyelonephritis;
  5. metabolic problems in the body;
  6. high blood pressure;
  7. cardiovascular diseases.

How to choose feijoa

When choosing a fruit, you should cut one berry lengthwise: if the flesh is transparent, it means the fruit is ripe. If the fruit is brown, this is a sign of spoiled fruit. White and opaque pulp is a sign of unripe fruit.

Healthy feijoa recipes

Feijoa is actively used in cooking. Small green fruits are used to make preserves, jams, compotes, desserts, salads and sauces. Feijoa is also actively added to seafood dishes. This fruit goes especially well with black cod and sea wolf. As a side dish, feijoa looks good with boiled small vegetables - carrots, Brussels sprouts, zucchini. It is not recommended to heat treat the fruits.

You can make raw jam from feijoa for the winter. Grind the fruits to a pulp and mix the finished mass with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. You can store this jam in jars in the refrigerator.

To make jam with ginger, grind the feijoa and mix with sugar, then add a glass of water and put on fire for six hours. Then add fresh grated ginger to the jam. The combination of these different-tasting fruits gives a rich flavor to the jam.