Top 7 secrets of a slim figure for French women

French women have always been famous for their slimness and elegance. They look beautiful and fit even in adulthood. In this article we will tell you about seven secrets that help French women maintain a slim figure.

  1. Keep a food diary. For three weeks in a row, write down everything you eat. This will help you understand how much and what type of food you eat and also see your eating habits. Determine how much time you spend eating and what foods you like best. This can help you make more informed healthy food choices.

  2. Choose only those dishes whose taste you really like. The rest can be thrown out of your head and refrigerator. Eating should take no more than 20 minutes. This will allow your body to properly absorb food and avoid overeating.

  3. Avoid processed foods and cook your own. You should not buy ready-made cutlets or meatballs; it is better to cook a piece of chicken fillet or fish. Eat your food in a relaxed atmosphere and serve it beautifully on the table. This will help you enjoy your food and avoid overeating.

  4. Get rid of excess fluid in the body. For this you can prepare onion water. Peel a kilogram of onion, pour boiling water over it and leave for several hours. Drink a glass of this tincture every two hours. Onions can also be used to make sauce. Pour olive oil over a kilogram of onion, add lemon juice and spices. This sauce can be used to dress salads.

  5. Move more. French women prefer to walk and do not use elevators. You can exercise or simply move around more in your daily life. This will help you stay healthy and maintain muscle tone.

  6. Enjoy your meal with red wine. French women love to enjoy food and drink, but do not overeat or indulge in alcohol. Red wine contains antioxidants that may have positive health effects.

  7. Do not overeat and rise from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. French women know how to enjoy food, but do not overeat and do not eat a lot of sweets for breakfast. They prefer light breakfasts, such as yogurt with fruit or an omelet with vegetables. In addition, they do not overeat or snack between meals. This helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle and maintain a slim figure.


French women know how to maintain a slim figure and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Their secret is that they know how to enjoy food, cook on their own, move more and not overeat. They prefer healthy foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, organic foods and red wine in reasonable quantities. If you follow these tips, you can maintain a slim figure and feel healthier and more energetic.