What to eat after six to lose weight

Nutritionists say that after 18:00 you can eat, but only foods from the permitted list.

Modern diets have strict rules, one of which concerns the ban on eating after 18:00. It is extremely difficult to comply with this condition due to the hyperactive modern rhythm of life. However, nutritionists do not recommend completely denying yourself an evening snack.

“I insist that you need to have dinner,” says Mikhail Ginzburg, head of the Russian Institute of Dietetics and Diet Therapy. “This is inherent in our nature, because we are animals with an evening type of nutrition. By denying ourselves food in the evening, we risk disrupting hormonal levels, nervous system and digestion."

It is also necessary to take into account the biorhythms of each individual person. “Larks” who go to bed at 22:00 may well not eat after six in the evening. What about the night owls?

The trick is to eat only foods from the permitted list after 18.00. If it is not possible for you to refuse an evening meal, develop a special menu according to the “protein plus vegetables” scheme: boiled or grilled meat, fish or seafood plus a salad of fresh vegetables (better with yogurt than with butter or sour cream).

There are also simple rules, the observance of which will help to avoid the “curse” of eating after 18:00.

The first rule is no sandwiches in the evening. It's better to eat a bowl of soup, but without sour cream. A great option is to have a boiled chicken breast with vegetables for dinner - both satisfying and healthy.

The second rule concerns the consumption of fruits and vegetables. It is better to avoid bananas and grapes. Apples are also dangerous - the acids they contain can irritate the intestinal mucosa. The evening version of the “fruit basket” consists of citrus fruits, kiwi, pears and persimmons. Regarding vegetables, the ratio of raw and thermally processed vegetables should be 2 to 3. This is due to the fact that consuming exclusively raw vegetables can be fraught with heartburn and other digestive problems.

Rule number three prescribes moderate consumption of durum wheat pasta in the evening. But it is important to avoid fatty sauces and sausages. If you replace them with soy sauce or boiled breast, then you don’t have to worry about extra calories.

The last rule consists of the recommendation to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. If the evening meal habit is very strong, then you can break dinner into 2-3 small parts, which will maintain a feeling of fullness throughout the evening. If going to bed involves a desire to eat, you can have a snack before bed with low-fat sugar-free yogurt.