Diet to reduce hip size

Can you boast of perfect hips and buttocks? If not, then I offer you a daring plan that will make them tight and elastic in two weeks. By following this diet, you'll fight fat deposits with whole, filling foods—and I don't just mean salads.
The diet is designed for two weeks (1,100 kcal daily). Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Try to reduce the number of cups of tea or coffee you drink. Don't brew your tea too strong and drink it without sugar, the same applies to coffee.
Breakfast: a glass of low-fat (1%) kefir or yogurt, an apple, a slice of black bread with a tomato cut into slices.
Lunch: 200 g of chicken leg (without skin), a large portion of salad of various vegetables, dressed with lemon juice, one small wholemeal bun, tea or coffee.
Afternoon snack: black bread toast with liver pate with two tablespoons of boiled beans or cod salad, cabbage and beans, tea.
Dinner: a glass of dry wine, a plate of stewed cauliflower, sprinkled with 25 g of grated cheese, tomatoes, beans, a baked apple stuffed with one teaspoon of currants and a teaspoon of honey.
Breakfast: 150 g of grilled chicken fillet, 25 g of mushrooms boiled in water, a slice of black bread, tea or coffee.
Lunch: a sandwich of two slices of bran bread and 50 g of homemade cheese, salad, orange.
Afternoon snack: a bowl of vegetable soup, a small wholemeal bun, one apple.
Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat porridge, stewed cauliflower, tomatoes, green beans, a small glass of dry wine.
Breakfast: a glass of low-fat (1%) kefir or yogurt, an apple, a slice of black bread with a tomato cut into slices.
Lunch: 200 g of chicken leg (without skin), a large portion of salad of various vegetables, dressed with lemon juice, one small wholemeal bun, tea or coffee.
Afternoon snack: black bread toast with liver pate with two tablespoons of boiled beans or cod salad, cabbage and beans, tea.
Dinner: a glass of dry wine, a plate of stewed cauliflower, sprinkled with 25 g of grated cheese, tomatoes, beans, a baked apple stuffed with one teaspoon of currants and a teaspoon of honey.
Breakfast: black bread toast with vegetables and boiled beef or chicken fillet, 50 g of homemade cheese, one tomato.
Lunch: one small wholemeal bun with cabbage and cucumber salad and 50 g of lean ham, an apple.
Afternoon snack: 90 g of tuna in its own juice, a large portion of cabbage salad, cucumbers, sweet peppers, two slices of black bread.
Dinner: 100 g lean beef chop, grilled, 74 g water mashed potatoes, green beans, white cabbage, cauliflower, orange, small glass of dry wine.
Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal porridge, a small banana.
Lunch: 100 g of shrimp, a large portion of cabbage salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, seasoned with lemon juice, pear.
Afternoon snack: bran bread toast, tomatoes, 20 g grated cheese.
Dinner: four fish fingers, heated on the grill, two tablespoons of boiled beans, tomatoes, one tablespoon of green peas, orange.
Breakfast: a large piece of melon.
Lunch: lean steak (no onions), orange or pear.
Afternoon snack: a plate of vegetable soup, two tomatoes, two slices of black bread.
Dinner: 100 g spaghetti with tomato sauce, parsley, 50 g chopped boiled chicken, small banana.
Breakfast: fruit salad - cut an apple, pear and banana into cubes, season with two tablespoons of low-fat yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich - wholemeal bread and leaves