Ideal figure: celebrity tricks

Regular banquets, presentations and other events cannot pass without leaving a trace and will not affect the figure of the stars. That is why each of them uses their own secret tricks that help them look slimmer without strict diets and intense exercise.

Especially for the New Year holidays, celebrities, trainers, stylists and nutritionists gave advice on how to get into shape in the shortest possible time.

Trick No. 1: get rid of excess liquid

Lie in a bath with salt, not regular salt, but bitter salt (sold in pharmacies under the name magnesium sulfate). This substance removes excess fluid from the body and relieves swelling. 15-20 minutes of water procedures - and your legs, as well as your waist, will become noticeably slimmer. This is exactly the trick Heidi Klum uses before her catwalk appearances.

Trick No. 2: give up slow carbohydrates

Try to eat less “slow” carbohydrates, which are mostly starchy and sweet. The day before an important event, give up these foods altogether, as well as salty and dairy foods: they retain fluid in the body and are responsible for a couple of extra pounds. Jennifer Aniston constantly follows this rule, which is why her figure is considered one of the most ideal.

Trick No. 3: fasting day

Before an important event, we arrange a mini-diet for ourselves: we eat only the “right foods.” As an example, you can take the advice from Elizabeth Hurley: have a juicy fruit for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner, prepare some boiled chicken with lettuce leaves and vegetables (not root vegetables). And during the day you can snack on a spoonful of honey or jam. You can drink unlimited quantities of water and herbal teas, but only without sugar!

Trick No. 4: throw away chewing gum and cigarettes

Habits such as smoking and chewing gum cause you to swallow excess air, turning you into a balloon. Give up these things before Day X. And one more thing: constant chewing of gum develops the muscles of the jaw, which visually makes the face wider.

Trick #5: Walk more often

After each meal, be sure to take short walks for yourself - this perfectly starts the digestion process and eliminates fermentation, which often leads to excess weight. And in general, try to go for walks and walk more often where you can do without a car.

Trick #6: Mini-Workouts

If you don’t have enough time for full-fledged sports, don’t worry. It is enough to spend a couple of minutes every day doing squats and crunches, and your body will remember its previous shape and your muscles will become toned.

Trick #7: Bronze

According to J.Lo, with a light tan you can look slimmer, and if you apply bronze correctly, you can also model the desired shape. Using a large brush, apply a shade slightly darker than your skin to the outer and inner thighs, leaving the middle of the front and back of the legs lighter. Visually, your legs will appear slimmer and more attractive.

We hope these tips will help you celebrate the New Year in all its glory! Share your express beauty methods in the comments.
