The winner of the Weighted and Happy project told how to ask models

Nutrition is an issue that worries every girl who wants to be beautiful. Especially when it comes to looking like a real model. The winner of the show Important and Happy Yulia Fomina, who lost 62 kilograms, told us what kind of diet a model should have.

Yulia Fomina, the winner of the Important and Happy-4 project, who managed to lose 62 kilograms, is rightfully worthy of admiration. She came to the project with a weight of 118 kilograms and a height of 168 centimeters. And thanks to her perseverance she became a real beauty. Throughout the entire season, Yulia never once found herself in the risk zone, constantly shedding pounds.

Yulia Fomina had problems with excess weight since childhood due to poor nutrition. Naturally, this became a huge problem. And already at the age of 14, Yulia began to have problems communicating with peers. The children, as expected, mocked the fat girl, and she tried to defend herself and behaved aggressively.

After Yulia got married, she began to gain weight even more: first 80 kilograms, then 90, and at one point the girl saw a value of 110 kilograms on the scales. When Fomina’s weight was already 118, she decided that something needed to be done, because she was only 24 years old.

As the Important and Happy project has shown, hard work in the gym and a smart diet, multiplied by the desire to achieve something, can work wonders. Now Julia helps others eat right.

For herself, Fomina continues to watch her diet and actively work out in the gym. “I can’t imagine my life any other way,” says the girl.


According to Fomina, if a girl wants to have a figure like a model, she must control the amount of calories. In particular, the daily norm is 1500 calories (this is the maximum allowable, it is better to eat less). These calories can only be gained from proper nutrition. Chips, candies and other goodies are prohibited for models, as they affect the condition of the skin and cellulite.

“The diet of a professional model should be very strict. This is the same as a person losing weight,” Fomina says on the air of the Supermodel show in Ukrainian. She also emphasizes. that models must eat by the hour, and the only sweetness allowed is dark chocolate.

In the proper diet of models, sugar is completely prohibited, since it is harmful to the figure and has a bad effect on the bones. Fomina advises replacing this product with stevia if you want to look like a supermodel. Also prohibited are ketchups, mayonnaise, and white bread.