Age-burning products named

There is a whole list of products that not only provide our body with everything necessary for health, but can also slow down the aging process. These products contain unique components that help fight free radicals and toxins that are harmful to our body and lead to premature aging. Let's take a closer look at these products.

Berries. These small and colorful fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and antioxidants. These include pectins, which help cleanse the body of toxins, and antioxidants, which protect cells from free radical damage. In addition, blueberries, which are rich in lutein and zeexanthin, help protect the eyes from age-related changes.

Fish. Fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the health of our body. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain heart health, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, and improve brain function. To preserve valuable fatty acids, it is best to cook fish in the oven or boil it.

Tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. Lycopene also promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which helps improve skin condition. Although raw tomatoes are also healthy, the greater amount of lycopene is found in tomato paste.

Brown rice, cane sugar and brown bread. These foods contain complex carbohydrates that help reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes. It is best to consume no more than two servings of brown rice per week.

Nuts. Nuts are a rich source of selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant and strengthens the immune system. Selenium can also improve brain function and help maintain youthful intelligence. To achieve maximum effect, it is enough to eat several nuts a day.

Olive oil, fish, vegetables and a little dry wine - this is the traditional Mediterranean diet, which is considered one of the healthiest in the world. Women living in Mediterranean countries age more slowly due to eating healthier foods.

Green tea with lemon is another product that can slow down the aging process. Chinese scientists have proven that green tea drinkers have a biological age that is 5 years younger than those who do not drink green tea. Lemon juice added to green tea helps the body better absorb nutrients.

Vegetables and fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of our body. To preserve more nutrients, it is best to grill or stew vegetables. It is also important to remember that exposure to light and at room temperature destroys one of the most valuable vitamins - vitamin C, so it is better to store vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator.

Finally, remember to eat a balanced diet, and foods containing saturated fats such as palm and coconut oils should not account for more than a third of your total fat intake. Sugar should also be moderate - no more than 15 g per 100 g of finished product. And, of course, you should avoid confectionery products containing trans fats that are hazardous to your health. By following these simple recommendations, you can enjoy healthy and tasty food that will help maintain the youth and beauty of your body.