The tendency to be overweight is not a reason to be overweight. The constitution of the body can be corrected!

A tendency to be overweight is not a reason to be overweight. The constitution of the body can be corrected!

A tendency to be overweight is not a diagnosis and, moreover, not a sentence. This is just a probability, that is, the easiest, most obvious way to shape your figure. But you always have a choice: do nothing and gain weight, or resist nature through your own efforts.

The figure can be adjusted, the balance can be rebalanced. How? It is my deep belief (backed by experience!) by increasing movement in your lifestyle. You have to become more physically active, that's all.

Here are a few steps that will allow you to take a sharp and permanent turn from the path called “predisposition” to the path “my figure is shaped by me”:

  1. Diet. Come to the idea of ​​healthy eating. Don't overeat, don't eat after your kids, don't snack between meals - and then the calories you consume will be under control.

  2. Physical activity. First, train yourself to just move more. Forget about the elevator, go up and down on foot. Get off one or two stops early to walk.

  3. Exercise stress. Sign up for fitness classes, dance classes, or a swimming pool. Visit regularly without missing out.

  4. Down with stress. Don't be nervous, don't give in to provocations. Stress often provokes weight gain.

  5. Work on yourself. All innovations in your lifestyle should be enjoyable. Be proud of yourself for wanting to change.

Who knows why we are given this or that constitution. But we have the right to change ourselves the way we want. The tendency to be overweight is not a reason to give up. You can achieve a slim figure if you want.