Canadian diet

Canadian diet: secrets of healthy eating

The Canadian diet is a diet that is popular in many countries around the world. Its main principles are proper nutrition, exercise and regular drinking of water. This diet is suitable for any age and gender, as well as for those who want to lose weight and improve their health.

Basic diet rules

The basic rule of the Canadian diet is not to deviate from the listed foods and the time when to eat them. It is also important to exercise 3 times a week for 20 minutes and drink 1.5 liters of clean water per day. You don't need to count calories, but you shouldn't overeat either.


Breakfast consists of coffee or tea, bread or bagel (but not white!), cottage cheese or cheese or 2 eggs. No muesli, etc. Snack - 2 fruits.


For lunch, you can choose meat or fish: chicken breast, lamb, veal (you can sometimes have filet mignon beef), but in principle, it is better to avoid beef and pork. You need to forget the sausage. Sometimes you can have chicken sausages. Garnish: rice, pasta (but not white), and less often, baked potatoes. Salad without bread. You need to consume 1 tablespoon of olive oil per day. Snack - juice (not sweet), green tea, lunch can be divided into 2 meals.


It is advisable to eat dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. You can choose salad or stewed vegetables (without potatoes and carrots), meat or fish, green tea and water. After 18:00 nothing else is allowed - no juices, no fruits, no bread, no side dishes.

Why should you drink water?

It is important to drink enough water so that the body does not experience a shortage of water and does not retain it in the body. Drink vitamins and magnesium for better water exchange.

Why is little physical activity needed?

A little physical activity helps you lose fat, not muscle. Therefore, it is important to exercise 3 times a week for 20 minutes.


The Canadian diet is a great way to lose weight and improve your health. It is based on proper nutrition, drinking water and exercise. By following these simple rules, you can achieve the desired results and improve your well-being. However, before starting any diet, it is important to consult with a specialist to make sure that the diet is right for you. Don't forget that healthy eating and an active lifestyle are not only a way to lose weight, but also the key to longevity and good health.