Diet Madeleine Gesture

Diet Madeleine Gesta: cleanse your body in 2 days

The Madeleine Gesta diet is a diet developed by French nutritionist Madeleine Gesta. It is designed to cleanse the body and maintain optimal weight. The diet lasts only 2 days per month, but can be used more frequently or less frequently depending on desired goals and health status.

The main principle of the Madeleine Gesta diet is softness and variety. Madeleine Gesta allows you to consume honey, chocolate, dried fruits, jam, and nuts in reasonable quantities when maintaining optimal weight. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the honey is real, the chocolate is bitter, and the jam is made exclusively from selected and ripe fruits and berries.

It is acceptable to eat 125 g of dark chocolate per week and several pieces of dried fruit per week. At the same time, they need to be chewed as slowly as possible in order to dull the feeling of hunger and improve the absorption of sugars.

During the Madeleine Gesta diet, it is recommended to lie down as much as possible so as not to distract the body with additional stress. The horizontal position promotes the removal of toxins, natural tissue drainage, improves blood circulation and reduces pressure on the walls of the stomach.

Recommended foods for the Madeleine Gesta diet include lean chicken or fish, low-fat milk, kefir, yogurt, vegetables and herbs (carrots, tomatoes, onions), fruits (orange, grapefruit), honey, cocoa, dried fruits, lemon juice, mineral water without gas, olive oil and mustard.

Sample Madeleine Gesta diet menu for one day:

In the morning, immediately after waking up, it is recommended to drink half a liter of water.

Breakfast - prepare and drink a drink from a glass of milk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of cocoa powder. You should eat an orange or grapefruit 15 minutes before or after the drink.

Before noon you need to drink a liter of mineral water without gas.

Lunch - 200 g of lean fish or chicken, with only vegetables as a side dish.

2 hours after lunch you should drink a glass of kefir with 1 teaspoon of honey.

At 16:00 you need to drink a drink that reduces appetite (juice of one lemon, 0.25 liters of water and a teaspoon of honey). You need to drink it in small sips.

Dinner: drink cleansing broth prepared according to the following recipe in small sips. For 1.5 liters of water you need to take 1 kg of leeks, 500 g of carrots, 500 g of tomatoes and several caraway seeds. Boil the broth for 20 minutes, strain without adding salt. First, drink three cups of broth at 10-minute intervals, then eat the vegetables from the broth, seasoning them with olive oil and mustard.

At night you can eat a glass of yogurt with a teaspoon of honey.

It is important to remember that the Madeleine Gesta diet is not strict and does not limit your diet for a long period. It is designed to cleanse the body and maintain optimal weight, and can also be used to quickly lose excess weight before an important event. If you want to start the Madeleine Gesta diet, be sure to consult with your doctor, especially if you have any medical problems.