Potato diet

Potatoes are a healthy food, rich in starch, B vitamins, minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. However, potatoes contain little protein, so if you eat only potatoes for a long time, protein starvation may develop. In addition, potatoes are low in vitamins A, C, D and E, so additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes is recommended during the potato diet.

There are different versions of the potato diet.

Potato diet for 3 days.
Eat 1.5-2 kg of boiled potatoes daily in 4-6 divided doses without salt or other seasonings. Drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day, excluding alcohol. This diet can lead to a weight loss of 3 kg in 3 days. However, it is unbalanced and is not recommended for long-term use.

Potato diet for a week.
Breakfast - a glass of milk.
Lunch - 300 g of mashed potatoes.
Dinner - potato salad of 250 g of potatoes with the addition of eggs, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.
This diet is more balanced than the 3-day diet. It can lead to gradual weight loss if followed for a week.

For healthy and long-term weight loss, a balanced diet with limited fat and carbohydrates, sufficient intake of protein, vegetables, fruits and mandatory medical supervision is recommended.