Star diet of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina, a famous Moscow presenter and socialite, faced the problem of excess weight after giving birth to a child, like many women. However, she did not despair and found a way out of this situation by using an extreme diet, which allowed her to lose 15 kg in just 2 weeks!

The diet that Ksenia followed is called the cucumber diet and is a strict diet that can only be recommended for healthy and young people. It was designed specifically to quickly get rid of excess weight. The cucumber diet is based on the use of fresh cucumbers, which are a low-calorie and high-fiber product.

The cucumber diet menu that Ksenia Borodina followed is quite simple and consists of three meals a day. For breakfast, Ksenia ate a small piece of rye bread and 2 fresh cucumbers, for lunch - fresh vegetable soup (without potatoes) and cucumber salad, which included greens, cucumbers and vegetable oil, and for dinner - cucumber salad with vegetable oil. During the day it was necessary to eat at least 4-5 cucumbers, and a couple of times a week you could replace the vegetable soup with a small boiled and lean piece of meat.

According to Ksenia Borodina, the cucumber diet really allows you to get rid of excess weight very quickly and at the same time normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In addition, it helps get rid of toxins and improve skin condition. However, you should remember that such a diet may be unsafe for the kidneys, so before you start following a cucumber diet, you should consult your doctor. In addition, the diet is not recommended to be followed for more than one week.

Thus, the cucumber diet that Ksenia Borodina followed is an extreme method of losing weight and can be dangerous to health. However, when used correctly, it can help you quickly lose weight and improve your skin condition. But do not forget that the best way to lose weight and stay healthy is a proper and balanced diet combined with physical activity.