12 ways to burn fat

To boost your metabolism, try these 12 ways to burn fat faster:

  1. Don't forget to have breakfast. Kickstart your metabolism early with your morning meal.

  2. Exercise your muscles while walking. To burn three extra calories per minute, grab two 1/2-pound dumbbells and curl your biceps while walking.

  3. Get a dog. It's cheaper than hiring a personal trainer. When your Friend wants to go out, you can’t argue with him. An active 15-minute walk burns 60 kilocalories.

  4. Eat more often. Eating small, frequent meals is not as fattening as two or three large meals, as long as you stay within your total daily caloric intake. An added benefit: It will help you maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day.

  5. Reduce your fat intake. By processing fat, your body burns fewer calories than by processing carbohydrates.

  6. Gossip while standing. If you talk on the phone while standing, you burn a few extra calories per minute.

  7. Leave the table. Look for ways to boost your metabolism during the workday. Go to the toilet on another floor. Take a walk at lunch instead of eating in the office. Go to your colleague's desk instead of making a phone call.

  8. Dance. Moving to music - any music that makes you want to dance - burns almost the same number of calories as most exercise.

  9. Plant some flowers. If you don't consider gardening a full-fledged sport, it's not too late to change your mind. In just 40 minutes of digging, weeding, loosening and other similar activities, you will burn 200 kilocalories.

  10. Tear up all fasting recipes. The body responds to the threat of a significant calorie deficit by slowing down its metabolism to conserve fuel. In order to lose weight and at the same time maintain a constant metabolism, a man should avoid reducing his caloric intake below an average of 1600-2000 kilocalories per day, and a woman should avoid reducing his calorie intake below an average of 1200-1600 kilocalories per day. More active people need to stick to the upper figure.

  11. Don't slump in your chair, but sit straight. You can burn about five percent more calories if you read or watch TV while sitting upright rather than reclining.

  12. Do you have five minutes of free time? Do push-ups from the chair. Stand half a meter away from a stable chair and place your hands on the back of it, shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower your chest toward your hands and then push up. (Remember to check first that the chair will not slip out from under you.)