Stay slim always

One of the secrets of beauty, health and eternal youth is proper nutrition, which, on the one hand, must fully satisfy the needs of the body, and on the other, maintain a constant body weight.
Sudden changes in weight categories are very harmful, especially for middle-aged and older people. Even though you are 17 years old, do not risk your own well-being: a decrease in the tone and elasticity of muscles and skin with rapid loss of adipose tissue leads to the formation of a network of deep wrinkles on the skin and prolapse of internal organs. But excessive “vastness” reduces not only the overall aesthetic impression, but also leads to many functional disorders.
The fastest way for women to get fat is their stomach, which in turn leads to increased pressure on all organs located in the lower abdomen. Weight gain affects your movements, leads to additional stress on your heart, lungs, legs...
Experts call normal the weight obtained from the difference between your height and the number 100. For example, your height is 170 centimeters. We subtract 100 from this number and get 70. This is exactly the weight - 70 kg. - and would be considered normal for a middle-aged woman. Deviations in one direction or another are permissible within a couple of kilograms. For a young person, from the received 70 kg. you should subtract 10% of your body weight, that is, 7 kilograms, to get an optimal weight of 63 kg (a step to the right, a step to the left is punishable by giving up buns and switching to plant foods).
After 35 years, nutritionists recommend gradually reducing your weight. This is necessary because muscle tissue in middle and older age no longer experiences the same load as at a young age, and excess weight is mainly formed due to fat accumulation. How to monitor your weight so that it does not sway from side to side? First of all, if you complain about your appetite, exclude from your diet or minimize the consumption of such high-calorie foods as sour cream, cream, mayonnaise, smoked meats, fatty meat (especially pork, lard), duck and goose meat, sausages, canned fish butter, as well as nuts, chocolate, sugar, sweets, cookies, rice and potato side dishes.

Diversify your menu with low-fat milk, kefir and cottage cheese; lean beef, chicken and rabbit meat, and fish are very useful. More often and more, especially in spring and summer, eat fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, from fats - butter (100 grams per day), unsweetened drinks and compotes.
Alcoholic drinks: wine, beer greatly contribute to the accumulation of fats; their consumption should be limited even on holidays, and completely eliminated on ordinary days. Beauty requires sacrifice, and you can always clink glasses with mineral water, which is incredibly healthy.
For those who want to be slim both in winter and summer, I advise you to adhere to these rules:

  1. Weigh yourself systematically, at least once a month. You must clearly control all the changes occurring in your body.
  2. Be patient and willful. Even Moscow was not built right away, but the figure was forged over the years.
  3. Start every morning with gymnastics. Laziness needs to be eradicated in yourself, kill it with physical education.
  4. Eat regularly at the same time. Don't snack on the go, don't drink tea or coffee with sweets several times a day. Especially remember that eating outside the home contributes to rapid weight gain. Especially all kinds of hot dogs and sausages in dough.
  5. Don’t eat a lot at once, as if a hungry existence awaits you ahead. It is better to eat food more often (up to 5 times a day), but in small quantities. Give up the bad habit of eating on the go or while watching television. Don't follow the example of stupid Americans eating popcorn in the cinema.
  6. Chew your food thoroughly, eat more slowly: you will get much more pleasure and eat less.
  7. Before lunch and dinner, imagining yourself to be a brother rabbit, eat a whole (