You can't stop living fat: keto diet

The fats that we are all so afraid of are actually not so scary. Moreover, it is fats that can become your helpers on the path to a slim figure. Paradox? Not at all! The no-carb ketone diet is strong evidence of this.

The keto diet, or low-carb ketone diet, is by no means a new trend. It was developed almost a hundred years ago to treat children with epilepsy. The diet is based on fats, which are supplemented by a moderate amount of protein and a small portion of carbohydrates.

The essence of the diet

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. That's why, by giving up sweets and starchy foods, you can lose a couple of kilograms. The ketone diet involves not only limiting your carbohydrate intake, but also eliminating them altogether. In this case, you will have a chance to lose a couple of kilograms, or much more.

How it works?

Having stopped receiving carbohydrates, the body rebuilds its metabolism, making fat the main source of energy. Under these conditions, ketones (ketone bodies) begin to be produced from fats, which are a source of energy for the brain and nervous system. Hence the name of the diet - ketone.

We all love sweets, but it is very difficult to give them up. It is difficult for the body to understand that you are giving up carbohydrates of your own free will, so it begins to spend an emergency reserve in the form of fat. And we need this, because then we begin to actively lose weight.

On about 5-7 days of no carbohydrates in the diet, the body adapts to this state of affairs and starts the ketosis mechanism. Fat becomes the main source of energy. Even a very small amount of carbohydrates in the first days will take your body out of ketosis. Therefore, it is important not to deceive yourself and not eat sweets, no matter how much you want it.

Side effects

It is believed that on a keto diet you can consume between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. If this figure exceeds 100 g, then ketosis will not be possible, that is, the body will not need to completely switch to fat as an energy supply. This means you will lose weight more slowly.

But on the other hand, for proper functioning, our gastrointestinal tract needs fiber (fibrous carbohydrates). Often, when vegetables (fiber) are completely eliminated from the diet, problems such as constipation may arise. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, you still need to eat vegetables. Just choose green vegetables, such as cucumbers or lettuce.


The basis of the diet is fats and proteins. There are no carbohydrates, an exception can be made only for green vegetables in the amount of 20-50 g per day.

If you're new to the keto diet, know that in the beginning, while your body is learning to use fat for energy, it makes sense to use more protein and less fat (40% to 60%). But from the second week we burn protein and increase fats to a proportion of 1/3 protein + 2/3 fat. This is done so that the body, which has not yet converted to fats, does not begin to use muscle proteins as an energy source.

It is a misconception that calorie intake is not important when following a keto diet. As with all things, burning fat requires a negative energy balance, and you must eat fewer calories than your body expends. However, following a keto diet in many cases is much simpler than, for example, counting calorie intake - it is enough to exclude foods containing carbohydrates and build a diet mainly on meat.

Basic Rules

  1. Don't neglect fats. If you limit your carbohydrate intake, you must provide an alternative source of fuel, i.e. fat. In principle, you can eat all fats, such as fried chicken, fatty fish, steaks, whole or scrambled eggs, cheese, etc. But it’s better to try to eat good fats, which are found in oil (olive, sunflower, flaxseed, nut, sesame, corn), seeds, avocado, olives.

  2. Choose the right one with