Kwasniewski's fat diet

Kwasniewski's fat diet: a nutritional system for losing weight and improving health

The Jan Kwasniewski Fat Diet is a nutritional system that was developed by a Polish nutritionist with the goal of helping people lose weight and improve their health. This diet is based on the consumption of easily digestible foods rich in proteins and fats, such as meat, lard, eggs, milk and high-fat cheeses.

Principles of Kwasniewski's fat diet

One of the basic principles of Kwasniewski’s fat diet is to eat food in a calm environment, and after that take a short break of 15 minutes so that the food is well absorbed. This diet requires you to eat foods rich in proteins and fats and avoid foods that contain a lot of water, such as fruits and vegetables. The list of prohibitions also includes bread, grain and bran, since these products are not absorbed by the body.

In this case, a fatty diet involves the consumption of meat, lard, eggs, milk, cream, cheeses and a limited amount of pasta and potatoes. It is recommended to consume 6 to 8 eggs and other foods rich in proteins and fats daily to provide the body with the necessary energy.

Sample fat diet menu for one day

Breakfast – three scrambled eggs (at least) + a piece of bread (dipped in fat) + tea.

Lunch – half-fat carbonate, fried in eggs and breadcrumbs (150 g), a couple of potatoes, mashed in fat from frying + pickled cucumber.

Dinner – a couple of cheesecakes with butter, a spoonful of marmalade (unsweetened) + a glass of cream (preferably full-fat).

There is no strict time for eating according to the Kwasniewski fat diet. You can eat whenever you feel hungry. You should start immediately, without gradual transition. After a few months of following the diet, the weight returns to normal - fat people lose weight, and thin people gain weight. If you stick to the diet constantly, your body will maintain a normal weight for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kwasniewski fat diet

One of the main advantages of the Kwasniewski fat diet is its effectiveness in losing weight and improving health. Thanks to the consumption of proteins and fats, the body receives enough energy, and limiting carbohydrates and fruits can lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels and an improvement in diabetes. Additionally, a high-fat diet may help lower blood cholesterol and improve cardiovascular function.

However, Kwasniewski's fat diet also has disadvantages. Restricting carbohydrates can lead to fatigue and decreased concentration. Also, consuming large amounts of lard and other fatty foods can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood and the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Moreover, not eating fruits and vegetables can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body, which can negatively impact overall health.


Jan Kwasniewski's Fat Diet can be effective for losing weight and improving health, but it should be used with caution and under the supervision of a specialist. Limiting carbohydrates and fruits can be beneficial, but you need to make sure your body is getting enough vitamins and minerals. In addition, restricting carbohydrates can lead to fatigue and decreased concentration, so you need to monitor your well-being and, if necessary, adjust your diet.